Coronavirus has infected 38,168 people in the UK as of Friday。April 3. After implementing product restrictions !some supermarkets have started to roll back their limits this week. But as the Government mandates people visit supermarkets as infrequently as possible ,is it safe to consume food which has passed its expiration date? 。
截至4月3日(星期五),冠状病毒已在英国感染38168人。在实施了产品限购措施后!一些超市本周已开始缩减限购范围,但由于政府要求人们尽量少去超市 。食用过期食品是否安全?!
The Government waste adviser ,Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) 。recommends people follow any package guidance regarding best before dates. !
政府废物顾问 ,废物和资源行动计划(WRAP)建议人们遵循食品包装上的最佳食用日期 。
WRAP also says it is never advisable to consume food beyond its use by date. ,
WRAP还说,食用超过保质期的食物是不明智的 。
Simply put ,food is safe to eat past its best before date but not after the use by date.。
简单地说食物在最佳食物日期后食用是安全的 ,但不能在保质期后吃。
But this guidance may differ depending on the type of food. ,
但根据食物种类的不同,这一指南可能会有所不同 。
According to packaging ,eggs are safe to eat one or two days after their best before date. 。
However,at room temperature eggs can sometimes be safe to eat up to a week after their best before date or a month if refrigerated. 。
然而在室温下鸡蛋有时在最佳食用日期的一周后还能食用,如果冷藏这一日期甚至可以延长到一个月 。
To test if an egg is in date ,you should place it in a bowl of fresh water as it will float if it is no longer safe to eat.。
为了测试鸡蛋是否过期 ,你可以把它放在一碗清水里。因为如果它不再安全!它就会浮起来 ,
Milk has a use by date which should not be contradicted.,
牛奶是有保质期的 ,这一点不应被否认 。
Experts claim milk may be drunk up to 2 weeks after the use by date if not opened.
专家称如果牛奶不开封 ,仍可以在保质期后两周内饮用 。
You can tell when milk has passed its expiration date as it will immediately turn sour and the smell and consistency will make it clear the milk is not safe to consume. ,
你可以辨别牛奶什么时候过了保质期 ,因为它会立刻变酸 。气味和稠度会让人清楚牛奶是不安全的!
Hard cheese has both a use by and expiration date ,but experts say it can be eaten up to three months after its best before date or until the mould becomes overwhelming.。
硬奶酪既有有效期 ,也有保质期但专家说就算在最佳食用日期的3个月后它还是可以吃的。直到完全发霉!
Soft cheese should be consumed within a week of their use by date. ,
Fish is usually safe to eat up to five days after the use by date,however 。the official advice outlines fish should be cooked !eaten or frozen by the use by date.
鱼肉通常在保质期后5天内是安全的 ,但是官方建议鱼肉应在保质期前煮熟、食用或冷冻。
!Red meat and poultry is usually fine to eat within a week of the use by date if it is chilled and opened ,but the wrapping indicates it should be cooked。eaten or frozen before the use by date.!
红肉和家禽通常可以在保质期后的一周内食用 ,如果是冷藏和打开的 。但是包装显示它应该在保质期前煮熟、食用或冷冻 !
Processed meats such as sausages,burgers and products made with meat must be eaten up to five days after the use by date. 。
加工过的肉类,如香肠、汉堡和肉制品 。必须在保质期后5天内食用!
It is paramount to ensure to thoroughly cook sausages ,burgers and products made of mince to ensure no cold spots remain. 。
最重要的是要确保彻底煮熟香肠、汉堡和由肉末制成的产品 ,以确保热透
Fruit and vegetables 水果和蔬菜,
Fruit and vegetables can actually appear fine for several weeks after their best before dates.
事实上水果和蔬菜在它们的最佳食用日期后几周内都会表现得很好 ,
Even when items begin to ferment,it may in fact be safe to consume.。
Fruit and vegetables can be frozen to use at a later date.,
If you are in doubt about any food item ,you should be sure to cook it thoroughly and ensure it is piping hot all the way through before consuming.。
如果你对任何食物有疑问 ,你一定要把它彻底煮熟 。确保它在食用前一直是滚烫的 !
You should trust your eyes and nose,particularly when determining if items are safe to consume. 。
你应该相信你的眼睛和鼻子,特别是在确定物品是否安全食用 。
If something smells off or looks unsafe,it is best to avoid using it. 。
如果有异味或看起来不安全的东西,最好避免使用 。
Mouldy items such as bread and fruit can release spores and make other foods turn mouldy more quickly.,
发霉的食物如面包和水果 ,会释放孢子使其他食物更快发霉 。
If you are in a vulnerable group,you should always follow the packaging guidelines and keep to the suggested dates.。
如果你体质偏弱,你应该始终遵循包装准则 。严格执行建议的日期!