1. 现在有针对中国KN95型口罩的EUA申请★,FDA在短期内快速审核口罩的资料★。并在关网上公布获得EUA授权的企业和产品型号★!相当于发一个简易临时的合格证替代NIOSH认证★,
未在美国境内的上市的医疗用途的外科口罩、N95口罩★,不管是美国境内还是境外制造商★。都可以申请紧急授权★!需要递交以下资料★,并发送到FDA 这个邮箱:CDRH-COVID19-SurgicalMasks@fda.hhs.gov★。由FDA审核是否可以授予紧急授权★!让该产品在新冠疫情期间在美国境内销售★,
1、General information such as your contact information★,name and place of business★。email address★!and contact information for a U.S. agent (if any) in addition to generalinformation about the device such as the proprietary or brand name★,model number★。and marketing authorization in your country (or region).★!
2、copy of the product labeling.★,
3、Whether the device currently has marketing authorization in another regulatory jurisdiction (including certification number★,if available).★。
4、Whether the device is manufactured in compliance with 21 CFR Part 820 or ISO13485: Medical Devices ?C Quality Management Systems ?C Requirements forRegulatory Purposes or an equivalent quality system and the manufacturer or importer has documentation of such.★,
5、Description of testing conducted on the device★,including any standards met★。such as
★!6、liquid barrier protection★,flammability★。biocompatibility★!and filtration performance★,asappropriate. For surgical N95 respirators★。FDA recommends including fluid resistance testing (liquid barrier performance).★!
★,Appropriate conditions designed to ensure that health care professionals administering the device are informed―★,
that FDA has authorized the emergency use of the device;★,
of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of the emergency use of the device★,and of the extent to which such benefit and risks are unknown;★。
of the alternatives to the device that are available★,and of their benefits and risks.★。
Appropriate conditions designed to ensure that individuals to whom the device is administered are informed―★,
that FDA has authorized the emergency★,
of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of the emergency use of the device★,and of the extent to which such benefit and risks are unknown;★。
of the option to accept or refuse administration of the device★,of the consequence★。if any★!of refusing administration of the device★,and of the alternatives to the device that are available and of their benefits and risks.★。