大家好今天是4月1日 ,也是高风咨询公司周年纪念日 。今天我们六岁了自公司成立以来 !我们已经走了很长一段路,并在包括诸位的许多人的贡献和支持下取得了不少成就。感谢大家今年是不同寻常的一年 !人类面临着巨大的挑战,尽管这对每个人来说都是艰难的时刻 。但我们也非常希望当形势转好时 !我们所有人都会好起来的 ,祝好
Memo from Dr Tse,
Hi everyone ,today is April 1st. It’s the anniversary of Gao Feng Advisory Company. Today we are six years old. We have come a long way since the very beginning of our firm and have accomplished a lot with the contributions and support from many of you. Thank you 。This year’s an unusual year. Humanity is facing a critical challenge. While it’s a tough time for everyone !we are also very hopeful that when the situation turns around,it will turn well for all of us. Best regards